Credo at 25

on second thoughts i don’t have to hustle
or catch that bus at 8 am sharp
work can wait
existence can be undergone gently
tucked in bed on a Monday morning
perhaps those A grades were average
my lawless hair wasn’t breaking rules
and milk with cornflakes for breakfast
was gold
maybe the egg came first
not the chicken
maybe i can flunk a few hours rationalising that
maybe i am the perfect age for the 7 am Baby Looney Tunes
on tv and every passing minute
is not just passing me by
perhaps turning a year older hoodwinked me into freedom
which was just the right to be petty all along
maybe i can handcuff those blunders at gunpoint
only to drop all charges
swear it would be super to make some more mistakes

Samiksha Ransom is a compulsive writer who likes quiet people that are not afraid to be loud.

Featured image: engin akyurt / Unsplash