My cup of verse fills up / Falls / Without word / Unrhymed / Like cuppa-noodles wasted with too much hot water

No Emergency Exits from Sexism: A Flight Attendant Speaks
I encourage you womxn to come forward, tell your story, let them know, bust the myth, let it out, cry it out. We will listen.

A Poet’s Margins
What use are words if they too don't reach hearts in the hinterlands, forests and fields?

Metamorphosis : A Poem for Umar Khalid
My dreams have transmuted into a state's bargain / And you, my comrade, must have kept the dreams alive.

An Uncertain Wait, An Unrelenting Hope: 1000 Days Behind the Bars
Today, Umar Khalid completes a thousand days behind bars. Three summers and winters ago, we were robbed of the colours that seasons bring with them, when our lives were …

How Manik Bandyopadhyay Probed the Alienation Plaguing 20th Century Bengal
A prolific Marxist Bengali writer, Manik lays bare the blurry limits of necessary and ‘superfluous’ in exploring a truly human way of surviving.

The Import of Foreign Higher Education in India: Committing to the Profit Motive Without Addressing Structural Needs
With India’s large, and increasing, population, there is good profit to be made in the higher education sector. The Indian state has welcomed a profit-facing expansion as well, which …

30, Flirty and Thriving
I have clarity about what I want. I am more empathetic as I know how hard life can be.

The King and His Kingdom
Silence is the food he has been feeding since 2002. / He knows the power of silence. / It kills more than the bullets.