The inclusion of caste in its anti-discrimination policy by the California State Universities is as a major triumph for activists.
Tag: caste oppression

When Will #DalitLivesMatter Make It to Our Retweets and Instagram Stories?
Despite increasing cases of violence against the Dalit, Bahujan and tribal communities in 2020, a lot of us have been complicit in it thanks to our silence.

PhD Scholar Accuses JNU Administration of ‘Institutional Torture’
Dileep Kumar Yadav says the university is subjecting him to frequent hostel transfers, fines and even casteist slurs to punish him for his activism.

Across the Road from Ashoka’s Liberal Campus, Caste Segregation Still the Norm
In a village just outside Ashoka University, segregated ways of living are still the norm. Can a university's liberal influence change this?

What the Call to Ban Unofficial Groups at IITB Really Means
The protests in IITB against groups discussing and challenging inherent oppressions are another nail in the coffin of free student expression and activism

Un-Dank Memes by Un-Woke Teens: India’s Offensive Meme Problem
When satire is aimed at the powerless, it's not just cruel, it's vulgar.