A poem on the heavy rains that have battered Chennai in recent days.
Tag: chennai

Chennai: Ritchie Street Retailers Look To Swim Through Anti-China Wave
With it becoming increasingly difficult to import from China, retailers have been facing big losses.

IIT-M Students Allege Harassment by Vigilance Officers, Dean Denies Charges
An informal report compiled by the students alleged rampant "moral policing" by security personnel, non-academic staff, faculty and fellow students.

Victim Blaming, Bias Against North Indians Common, Say SRM University Students
"Even in the past male workers did masturbate in front of girls both on campus and off campus... and our complaints were not taken seriously," recalled a student.

How Indian Cities End Up Confining Women
Staying at home puts women at greater risk of health problems – cities need to change to encourage them to go outside.