Are we trying to normalise groping of women in both the private as well as the public realm?
Tag: child sexual abuse

Those Five Minutes
Trigger warning: This article contains details of sexual abuse. It was the Awadh Assam Express. Don’t ask me why I remember the name of the train though. And why …

Opening up About ‘Our Little Secret’: A Letter to My Abuser
On being sexually abused as a child by the family driver.

Telling Your Parents Your Child Sexual Abuse Story
How do you tell the story of your abuse? Where do you start? Am I telling a story of a girl who is victim or a story of a …

Child Sexual Abuse: ‘You Can’t Hide From Me’
He's far away, now. Enough that he can never touch me again. But he's still there.

Asian Grooming Gangs: Ethnicity, Racism and Child Sexual Abuse
In the UK, police have been wary of investigating Asian perpetrators of child sexual abuse for fear of being branded racist. Here's what a criminologist has to say on …