I spread my tiny feet in those 48 inches of legroom. My eyes glued to the space, then shifted to his face. Suddenly the guy didn’t seem so bad. …
Tag: class

When ‘Rahul’ Woke Up To The Plight Of Food Delivery Workers, Courtesy An AI Bot
What happens when an AI bot imagines the plight of delivery workers?

‘Wake N’ Bake’ Review: Why Indian Standup Needs More Men Like Rohan Joshi
Joshi's one-hour special shows that it's possible to have your audience in splits without being insensitive in the process.

What We Talk About When We Talk About ‘Intersectionality’
Broad, homogenous categories of 'man' and 'woman' are dissected to look at the varying identities they hide.

‘Look, India is Being Fooled’
India is burning and being betrayed, with new scandals and rising unemployment everyday. Is India being fooled?