In the heat of the latest wave of infections, India has also shifted from being a mass vaccine exporter to a major importer.
Tag: coronavirus
How to Deal With a Year of Accumulated Burnout From Working at Home
The cognitive effort of managing the conflicting messages of a working through a pandemic is tiring us out.
‘Relationship Glasses’ Shape How We See the Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Our Partners
People create beliefs about their romantic partner that affect how they respond to them and interpret their behaviour. These beliefs can act as rose-tinted glasses, or as a darker …
Parenting My Parents During the Pandemic
Both my parents are learning to rely on me as I have relied on them for the last 46 years.
A Year of Blursdays: How Coronavirus Distorted Our Sense of Time in 2020
My research shows how lockdown changed our perception of time this year – and holds clues for how we'll experience the wait for a vaccine in 2021.
COVID-19: Are We Slowly Learning to Ignore the Deadly Virus?
We pick and choose our reference points to rationalise or justify our decisions, and ignore many possibilities for betterment.
Home Is Where the Heart Is
On missing the pleasures and pain of pre-corona college life while staying at home.
Whale in the Pond’s Latest Album ‘Dofon’ Tackles the End of the World
Whale in the Pond’s second album has themes of resistance, climate change and impending catastrophic doom.
How to Get Around a Broken System: Mumbai Relief Workers on Dealing With COVID-19
“By providing relief, we are taking away the responsibility of the government and easing public outrage towards a broken system, but we can’t leave people to suffer either.”