To separate caste from something so crucial as food and present it as if it were a life-choice is to ignore a wider social context in which the food …
Tag: Dalits

Revisiting the Wrongs of Bahujan Politics
There is an urgent need to revive Dr. Ambedkar’s Republican ideology to save our socialist secular democracy.

Even After a Century, Water Is Still the Marker of India’s Caste Society
For Dalits, water is not a natural beauty, the nectar of life or a life-nurturing agent, but a 'caste burden'.

Multiracism: Why We Need To Pay Attention to the World’s Many Racisms
The west has long defined racism as a function of colonial domination and discrimination. But in a changing world this definition must be challenged.

Yashica Dutt’s ‘Coming Out as a Dalit’ Wins Sahitya Akademi Yuva Puraskar
Dutt's book is humane in its assertion, extensive in its research and brilliant in its articulation.

Debate: How Exclusive Are the Faculties of Institutions of Higher Education?
The way our identities our narrowed down to just caste must end, especially by those who elect themselves to speak on our behalf.

In A Week Of Remembering Gandhi, India’s Inclusivity Lies Battered
The air is a little different this October 2.