'I stare at the clock that glowers at me, like a demon crouching on the wall.'
Tag: education system

‘Academic Distress’ and Student Suicides in India: A Crisis That Needs to be Acknowledged
More students died by suicide than farmers in 2020, yet, while farmers’ suicides are widely recognised as a crisis in India, students’ suicides are increasingly swept under the rug.

Why ‘Free’ Is Not Good for Government Schools
Our poorest students are not guinea pigs for untested educational offerings, passionate but unskilled volunteers, or be at the mercy of corporations who want to imprint their brands on …

Systemic Faults: Teaching Kids in Rural Gwalior
I got to witness the faultlines of our education system that make it almost impossible for many children to break the shackles of poverty.

What Plato and ‘Nice’ Biscuits Taught Me About the Purpose of Education
While higher education is the search for truth, the idea of a ‘job’ is neither mentioned nor questioned. The search for truth, in fact, is the job.

Death by Saffron Ink
Our pens, our truths, our voices are all being stifled under saffron rule.

What Should Schools Teach Students About Depression and Mental Health?
From 'Mann ki baat' episodes to 'happiness lessons' in Delhi schools – when it comes to students' mental health, our education system needs to do to create positive change.