Akshya Saxena’s book explains how the language in India, with all its elite trappings, is also ubiquitous and helps make sense of a chaotic world.
Tag: english

‘Glitter Girls’, ‘Ret Samadhi’ and Musings on My Reading Journey
The author recounts her experience of reading in a language she wasn’t familiar with as a child – English – to subsequently losing touch and trying to reconnect with …

The English Language: I Love It, I Love It Not
Akin to the bond between the language and the nation, my romance with English, too, is a quandary.

Students and Faculty of DU March in Support of Academic Freedom
"In no uncertain terms, I’d say that this is the death of our university,” said Nandita Narain, Mathematics professor from St Stephen's College and DUTA's ex-president.

An Oral Tradition Made Desi: Meet the Mumbai Teenagers Reinventing Spoken-Word Poetry
In the past 2-3 years, Mumbai-based organisations have nurtured a rapid explosion of spoken-word poetry.

English: The Language I Yearn(ed) to Learn
There is no harm to speak with all the hurt, the brokeness, the lisps, the slips, because that is how I learn this language, that is how I make …

With One Foot in the US and One in India, What Does ‘Home’ Mean to You?
This song is just me connecting all the different parts of me and trying to pull my worlds closer together.

I Ran Into My Younger Self on a Mumbai Local
You may know all this already, but in this moment you are me – a ghost of my past.