Smartphone cameras tend to be more advanced than their clunky, point-and-shoot predecessors. But the allure of cameras from the early 2000s reflects a broader search for meaning.
Tag: gen z

Is Moonlighting a By-Product of Hustle Culture?
An essay on the emergence and significance of moonlighting, and its impact on an individual’s mental health.

The Wretched of the Social Media
A debate on social media and its influences on the youth between two characters from 'Hamlet'.

From ‘Tang Ping’ to ‘Bai Lan’: The Rise of Slacker Culture in China
Cast down by the weight of an uncertain future and the consequences of a failing economy, 'bai lan' is the attitude and lifestyle that the many Chinese youth are …

Book Review: The Tales of Generation X Feel as Poignant Now as in the 1990s
Published in 1991, Douglas Coupland's 'Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture' tells the story of over-educated, under-employed young people who lament the broken world they've inherited.

Eco-Anxiety: Are Brands Listening?
What does a brand do for a generation that thinks it might be the last?

Book Extract | A Peek Into the Life of Gen-Z
An extract from Debashish Sengupta's book 'The Life of Z: Understanding the Digital Pre-teen and Adolescent Generation'.

The Curse of Binge Watching
Storytelling has changed, but the allure of escaping into a story remains the same, mental and physical health concerns be damned.

It’s Time to Listen to Millennial Reality
Millennials have gotten a lot of bad press, leading to a poor reputation in many quarters. But people often overlook how much this age group has to contend with …