'Under the rubble of a whole nation, we have only phalluses...'
Tag: gender based discrimination

How to Slutwalk Past Your Highly Conformist Family
It's no secret that Indian families have their own versions of cancel culture.

In Photos | Female Strangers and the Beauty of the Candid Shot
As a photographer, for me, each portrait depicts a unique moment in time when the subject's eyes meet mine – directly or through the lens.

On Equal Access, Dignity for the Queer Community: An Interview With Sharif Rangnekar
The former journalist and LGBTQIA+ activist addresses the feeling within the community that real concerns have taken a backseat and resulted in skewed public policy formulation.

Towards a New Civil Society
Indian civil society must stop buying the divisive agenda peddled by right-wing propaganda outlets and join hands to fight the hate.

The Question You Should Never Ask Women – Period
Presuming that female reproductive organs make women behave irrationally is rude and sexist.