It would be more viable to invest more heavily on the knowledge content of higher education to make the process of learning efficient and equitable rather than solely deal …
Tag: higher education india

Why Human Rights Norms Need to Enter Higher Education and Pedagogy
It is time education is recast as a public good for 'unlearning bias, prejudice and divisiveness'. When human rights norms become mainstreamed into the curriculum, the transformative potential of …

Is UGC’s New Draft Proposal on ‘Blended Learning’ a Distant Vision?
An assistant professor of law responds to UGC's new draft proposal – 'Concept Note on Blending Learning of Teaching and Learning' – which intends to revamp pedagogical practices in …

Publicly-funded Higher Education in North India is in Dire Need of Improvement
With fund cuts in government colleges and high fees in private institutions, higher education in India is on the brink of complete collapse.

Only 13% Engineering Seats Filled After Second Round of Counselling in Tamil Nadu
Of the 1,66,582 seats, only 21,532 have been filled so far, as 87% of the seats remain vacant.