English should be the medium of instruction only where it is absolutely necessary and gradually it should be replaced with Hindi in those institutions, the committee has recommended.
Tag: hindi

‘Glitter Girls’, ‘Ret Samadhi’ and Musings on My Reading Journey
The author recounts her experience of reading in a language she wasn’t familiar with as a child – English – to subsequently losing touch and trying to reconnect with …

The English Language: I Love It, I Love It Not
Akin to the bond between the language and the nation, my romance with English, too, is a quandary.

The Mazhab of Art: Must Language Have a Religion Too?
Why a two-day Hindustani writing workshop in Jaipur was cancelled.

Your Mother Tongue May Not Be Mine – And That’s Fine
Isn’t India supposed to be the land which celebrates pluralist unity in all its glory?

An Oral Tradition Made Desi: Meet the Mumbai Teenagers Reinventing Spoken-Word Poetry
In the past 2-3 years, Mumbai-based organisations have nurtured a rapid explosion of spoken-word poetry.

Why Urdu Isn’t Just a ‘Muslim’ Language
Urdu is an inextricable part of our lives and history – it's in our language and inspired some of our finest freedom fighters and writers. So why do we …

English: The Language I Yearn(ed) to Learn
There is no harm to speak with all the hurt, the brokeness, the lisps, the slips, because that is how I learn this language, that is how I make …

My Home Is a Multilingual Country
Amma reads Sanskrit from the left hand side page, while Appa follows the Tamil script on the right.