Written in response to a general decline of civil rights in India in the name of abstract ideologies and the vicious cycle of justifying one act of excess by …
Tag: Hindutva

Poem: Requiem for Justice, With Apologies to Poetry
Here’s a winning formula / To make the Rashtra stronger: / Lengthen the long arm of the law, / And let its nose be longer.

Scenes from Hyderabad: The City as a Defiant Space Against Hindutva Politics
Vignettes from Hyderabad's ancient and modern history reveal that the region poses a challenge to the dominion of Hindutva politics today, putting the region in the cross hairs of …

A Sad State of Affairs
'This land which freed us from the colonisers is yet again trapped under the boots of a state that has failed our constitution.'

Karnataka: Bajrang Dal Interrupts Play Performance Because it Showed Interfaith Couple
Rangabelaku, a Shivamogga-based theatre group, was performing well-known writer and lyricist Jayant Kaikini's play Jotegiruvanu Chandira – a Kannada adaptation of Joseph Stein's Fiddler on the Roof.

Battle Over Textbook Revision in Karnataka Has Helped Expose the Ideology of Brahminical-Hindutva
Though the resistance is growing and evolving on the ideological plane, it currrently lacks the ability to see through the designs of the RSS-BJP – leave alone defeat it.

Doubt the Truth: Pitfalls of Treating Human Attention as a Commodity
In the age of an 'attention economy', it's important for people to be more and more conscious of what is it that they are giving attention to.

The Deepest Cut
A poem that calls out the so-called elite and their support of the present regime in India.

In What Discourse Can We Converse With the Heartless: An Open Letter to the CJI
On June 26, I got a chance to meet with Supreme Court Chief Justice N.V. Ramana at an informal gathering of Indians in Washington DC. There I presented him …

Kissi Se Na Kehna! Mohammed Zubair Arrested for Tweeting Photo from 1983 Hindi Film
The AltNews co-founder has also been targeted for ‘Hinduphobic’ tweets which merely mocked statements made by BJP leaders.