An essay about women like my mother, who have spent about half of their lives in kitchens because they had to.
Tag: indian families
The Kitchen as a Feminine Space and the Living Room as Masculine: A Personal Account
A personal essay on my failed attempt at making a place for myself in both these spaces, and trying to normalise equality at home.
The Burden of Cooking
A poem on how all routine kitchen duties invariably fall into the hands of the women of the house.
No, I Don’t Need to Marry to Live My Best Life
Recognising the conditioning that I need to marry to live my best life and make my family proud was a revelatory experience for me.
A Heartfelt Letter to Indian Parents
All we want is mutual understanding, so love us for who we are.
OK Boomer, Thanks For Coming to My Fed (Up) Talk
On familial tendencies and structures reinforced during the pandemic.
An Apology Letter to Kashmiris From My Six-Year-Old Self
As a child, I was shielded from reality by my parents. But in Kashmir, countless children have been shot dead or blinded by pellet guns in the streets – …