'Somehow, I wanted to prove to my parents that I could be on my own and that I don’t need anyone’s help. But in the process, I forgot to …
Tag: Indian parents

No, Respecting Your Parents Does Not Mean Blind Obedience
A lot of parents – including mine – offer their adult children the illusion of choice when it comes to major life decisions.

Breaking the Generational Trauma Cycle
I find myself frequently wondering how we can ever break this cycle of trauma and hurt passed from generation to generation.

When My WhatsApp Status on ‘Mogra Gajra’ Angered My Parents
I didn't know that something which goddesses wear and is thus considered pure could be interpreted as something else altogether in my home.

A Heartfelt Letter to Indian Parents
All we want is mutual understanding, so love us for who we are.

OK Boomer, Thanks For Coming to My Fed (Up) Talk
On familial tendencies and structures reinforced during the pandemic.

Dealing With Abusive Parents in Adulthood
Abuse at home comes under the guise of concern, care, expectations and love.