The definition of queer friendship is different for everyone but it must find a common ground.It cannot be limited to being a mere lifestyle/relationship choice.
Tag: love

of love and borders
i used to wonder / what caused so much conflict / purple blue bodies / lying unclaimed / on both sides.

Finding Love
A poem on how we find love in the most unsought ways and how it reaffirms us every time with hope and joy.

Review: ‘Avatar: The Way of Water’ Is About the World as it Should Be
'Avatar: The Way of Water' is both sincere about and committed to the story it wants to tell.

Prelude to a Writer’s Death
Is it okay to mourn before someone’s death? What if that someone is a stranger? But can writers ever be a stranger to a reader?

How To Save a Dying Relationship: A Kintsukoroi Guide
The author details how Kinstugi holds similarities with broken relations and the human reflex to want to fix the same.