In a rural setting that treats women as nothing more than a domestic entity, young girls are left to search for a purpose in wifehood.
Tag: menstrual taboos

How Does One Talk About Periods in Conservative Spaces?
A Kolkata-based not-for-profit organisation Rangeen Khidki Foundation has designed simple modules to make conversations on menstrual health easy.

The P Word: Conversations With Children on Menstruation
We still have miles to go to normalise the conversation around menstruation. But simple conversations at home are a good start.

Shall I Start a Revolution?
The importance of educating the girl child on topics that actually matter – like the menstrual cycle, standing up for herself and speaking out against injustice.

Working in the Field of Menstruation as a Man
Men, women and people from across the gender spectrum need to talk about menstruation to remove the myths and taboos associated with it.

How Boys and Men Can Be Good ‘Period’ Allies
While men aren’t ever going to get periods, the least anyone can start with is by listening to women more.

Period Pain: My Thoughts on Pill Shaming
The notion that the women have to bear their menstrual cramps is deeply steeped in the patriarchal idea of womanhood.

‘Sacred Stains’: A Sneak Peek Into the Dark Corners of Menstruation
Niraj Gera, an award-winning photographer, shows how several women and young girls continue to use ash, sand and sawdust during periods.