Lifestyle gurus define themselves in opposition to experts — but can we really trust what they tell us?
Tag: mental health

Sometimes, Conforming Is the Best Way to Deal With Depression
All my skepticism, reservation and introversion appeared meaningless after a point. I was tired of being a rebel.

Will the Entrance Exam Rat Race Ever End?
Ten years have passed since I wrote my IIT entrance exam while enduring all the mental trauma that came with it. But sadly, coaching centres continue to sideline students' …

Educational Institutions Can’t Keep Ignoring Mental Health Issues Amongst Students
With an increase in cases of student depression and suicides, Indian universities' complete lack of focus on mental health is not just surprising, but scary.

Here’s What Working With an Invisible Disability is Actually Like
I have had seven jobs since 2013 - one lasted a mere four days before I had to quit due to sheer anxiety.

On Taming Self-Doubt and Dissonance
It arrives softly, driving anxiety up your torso, hiking up your spine and into your head.

Our ‘Attention’ Isn’t Just a Resource, It’s the Way We Interact With the World
When we talk about attention, we need to frame it as an experience, not a mere means or implement to some other end.

Survey Shows 16- to 24-Year-Olds Are the Loneliest. But Is It Social Media’s Fault?
Social media can be a great tool to keep in touch with friends – but if you are already lonely, it could make things worse.

Romanticising Mental Disorders Isn’t ‘Cool’
There's a difference between normalising and trivialising stigmatised conditions like poor mental health. Unfortunately, most people do the latter.