English should be the medium of instruction only where it is absolutely necessary and gradually it should be replaced with Hindi in those institutions, the committee has recommended.
Tag: nep

‘Demonetisation’ in Indian Public Universities: A Teacher’s Concerns on a Space Abandoned
Four reasons are responsible for the sorry state of Indian higher education today: COVID-19, the National Education Policy, the Common University Entrance Test and the National Assessment and Accreditation …

Decolonisation or Brahminisation: What’s the Thrust Behind Karnataka’s NEP Position Papers?
This position paper on 'Knowledge of India' aggressively canvasses the agenda to re-assert Brahmanical ethos, intellectual currents and social order as the only "authentic" Indian knowledge system.

Exclusion of ‘English’: Casteism and Classism at the Heart of NEP
English may be a painful reminder of our tragic history, but it is also a symbolic social equaliser to a certain extent.

The Draft NEP 2020 and What the Future Could Look Like for Indian Youth
Looking into the details and reading between the lines does ring multiple alarms on the actual intent of the government.