The ceaseless battle with uncertain thoughts, entangled in undecipherable fear, has led me to a resolute decision: to immerse myself in reading.
Tag: patriarchy

Lament of the Princess
'The princess is going to look her saviour in the eye / And tell him that she does not need saving.'

An Epistolary Poem to Patriarchs
This poem is addressed to All those patriarchal pigs and crackbrained clerics Who use the whip of male power to punish dissenting women. You keep asking women to stop …

‘Toxic Masculinity’: What Does It Mean, Where Did It Come From – And Is the Term Useful or Harmful?
“Toxic masculinity” has been used to explain everything from the election of Donald Trump to why Ross from Friends is awful. But what does it actually mean?

Dark Comedy in ‘Darlings’ Sheds Light on the Complex ‘Cycle of Abuse’
At its core, the film is a story of the relentlessness of hope amidst shattered dreams, and how people who are intimately connected find themselves trapped in these cycles.

Sexual Abuse and a Crushed Childhood: When Your Own Home Is Unsafe
The child inside this 26-year-old woman never really knew what childhood means, but she will try to save the innocence of at least one kid out there.

Book Review: An Invitation to Strengthen the Debate on Middle Class Working Women
In Nilanjana Bhowmick's, 'Lies Our Mothers Told Us: The Indian Woman’s Burden' the protagonists are middle-class women who have been lying to their daughters about 'having it all' with …

Liberate and Let Liberate: A Queertopia
Being queer is not just an identity, but rather a powerful phenomenon that centres on a person’s agency to self-determine. Queerness is resistance and rebellion

How Did the Patriarchy Start – And Will Evolution Get Rid of It?
Not all human societies throughout history have been patriarchal.