An essay about women like my mother, who have spent about half of their lives in kitchens because they had to.
Tag: patriarchy India

The Kitchen as a Feminine Space and the Living Room as Masculine: A Personal Account
A personal essay on my failed attempt at making a place for myself in both these spaces, and trying to normalise equality at home.

Bell Peppers And My Grandmother: An Abstruse Love Affair
I wonder how we love something one moment and decide to hate it the next.

The Burden of Cooking
A poem on how all routine kitchen duties invariably fall into the hands of the women of the house.

My Grandmother, the Wild Spirit
'My grandmother is a wild spirit, shackled by old age and walls.'

To the Women Before Me
'I am a cumulative of their resistance, their patience and their rebellion.'

Growing Up in a Half-Progressive, Half-Conservative Family
The pandemic has taken away my fair shot of freedom.

Shades of Silence
'We fight over things that people say, not over things they don’t. We pay more attention to their words, and not what their silence condoned.'