The definition of nationalism has been subtly manipulated into something that suits the political interests of certain individuals.
Tag: religion
Mumbai Pride 2019: The Revolution is Here, And it’s Rainbow and Intersectional
It's going to be a fight if we want substantive equality. But I, for one, am hopeful that we'll make it.
The Sabrimala Judgment Shows Us a Way to Make Religion More Inclusive
In the words of Justice Chandrachud, the constitution cannot be used as an “instrument for the perpetuation of patriarchy.”
Sacred Games: Finally, a Show That Doesn’t Shy Away From Religion
I couldn’t help but wonder if such crude comments about religion would have made it past the censor board if this were a Bollywood movie.
‘Look, India is Being Fooled’
India is burning and being betrayed, with new scandals and rising unemployment everyday. Is India being fooled?