We are raised to be 'paraya dhan' and are told that if we make mistakes, or are seen to exercise agency, it could damage our chances for the future.
Tag: sexism
Another Boys Locker Room? How ‘Harmless Banter’ Led to a Google Drive Full of Nudes at Kolkata
An abuser is neither an anomaly in the system, nor an outlier. They're just men who were reassured that the system would always let them get away with anything.
Inside The Toxic Media Culture Of A Casteist, Islamophobic Local Daily
Say ‘hi’ to the local dailies bringing you 15-pages of propaganda each morning.
The Complicated Truth About Separating the Personal From the Political
The conflict between a woman's personal beliefs and those of her family.
Why Does UP CM Adityanath Discredit Women Protesters?
Protesting women are not powerless. On the contrary, they are so powerful that angry, intolerant men often resort to desperate lies to discredit their efforts.
Have Your Cake, But Do Not Eat it – Feminism and Indian Society
It's up to us to create a new culture where we don't have to fight just to be ourselves. Where individuality is welcomed and our identity does not stem …
Why Do Women Always Serve Guests While Men Relax?
These subtle forms of everyday sexism are linked to poorer mental health of women.