The definition of queer friendship is different for everyone but it must find a common ground.It cannot be limited to being a mere lifestyle/relationship choice.
Tag: sexuality

Ma, We Are Beautiful Women – Aren’t We?
The poem talks about the experience of having gender dysphoria.

How Asexuals Navigate Romantic Relationships
It’s often assumed that people who identify as asexual are also ‘aromantic’ – that they aren’t interested in forming romantic relationships or aren’t capable of doing so.

Liberate and Let Liberate: A Queertopia
Being queer is not just an identity, but rather a powerful phenomenon that centres on a person’s agency to self-determine. Queerness is resistance and rebellion

How Did the Patriarchy Start – And Will Evolution Get Rid of It?
Not all human societies throughout history have been patriarchal.

A Biology Teacher Writes: The Annual Charm of Teaching the Reproductive System
Year after year, the class often gets distracted while I explain plant tissues. But the reproductive system class goes on perfectly, as if in another dimension.

Bi and Pan Erasure: Validating My Sexuality
Thanks to pop culture, the perception of female bisexuality or pansexuality being a phase has seeped deep into the minds of many, even among those who view themselves as …

The Asian Canadian Gay Activist Whose Theories on Sexuality Were Decades Ahead of Their Time
When Li Shiu Tong died in 1993, his unpublished manuscript about sexuality was almost thrown away. Yet it contains views on bisexuality and gender fluidity that would resonate with …

Review: ‘Flee’ Is a Vivid Documentation of Existence on the Run
The animated documentary about a gay Afghan refugee by Danish filmmaker Jonas Poher Rasmussen offers a penetrating insight into the psyche of the migrant trauma.

Grieving in the Closet
We closet our identities, our grief and our loss to be safe. We choose to be alone and helpless in our grievances because the alternative – coming out – …