In the late nineteenth century, French Marxist Paul Lafargue put forward a demand that still resonates nearly a century and a half later: workers have a right to be …
Tag: socialism

Capitalism: Churning Cycles of Guilt and Hypocrisy
Capitalism comes in many shapes and sizes, and with sweatshops and heaps of exploitation. But at times, even awareness isn't enough.

Capitalism Wanted Life to Be Privatised. It Now Wants Death to Be Socialised
AISA' national president on why, while facing this pandemic, we have to collectively demand a better future that’s inclusive.

Being Born Privileged Is Not the Same as Earning It
The preposterousness in the determination of one’s destiny, just by birth – is the notion that we as a society have to shatter.

How Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is Making the US Less Scared of Socialism
Millennials in their twenties are taking US politics by storm by upending entrenched ideas about democratic socialism.