There's lots to be done, but if we must start somewhere, let's start with strict anti-racism legislation.
Tag: supreme court

On Growing Up Closeted and Fearful in India
At 14, I began learning how to pretend to be normal, as I was sure at that time that my feelings were just 'WRONG!'

Why We Should Stop Saying that Section 377 is Just a Colonial Relic
In contemporary, post-colonial India, Section 377 is used for arbitrary detention, interrogation, extortion, harassment and rape. Homophobia isn't just a colonial trait.

Bhopal Paints a Rainbow Again: Scenes from the City’s Second Pride March
At Bhopal's second Pride march, the goal was to let people know that no love is unnatural. Only their hate is.

How Section 377 Is an Impediment to HIV Prevention
Section 377 doesn't just criminalise certain sexual acts, it also makes it harder for people with HIV/AIDS to access healthcare.

The Headline Screams News of Their Love
Everyone else’s love letter becomes a story, but theirs is a headline.

As Section 377 Heads to Its Demise, Let’s Consider How Ridiculous the Law Really Is
There's a long way to go even if Section 377 is struck down, but I'm confident that the rainbow will shine on.

When Will BJP Supporters Hold the Party Accountable for its Broken Promises?
The BJP's actions in Karnataka reek of corruption and disrespect for the constitution, so why aren't its loyal, supposedly nationalist supporters questioning these actions?

Censorship in the Times of Hindutva
The threat of censorship is brandished at any publication that unsettles the government and its perverse, often misplaced sense of morality.