In Nilanjana Bhowmick's, 'Lies Our Mothers Told Us: The Indian Woman’s Burden' the protagonists are middle-class women who have been lying to their daughters about 'having it all' with …
Tag: unpaid labour

Liberate and Let Liberate: A Queertopia
Being queer is not just an identity, but rather a powerful phenomenon that centres on a person’s agency to self-determine. Queerness is resistance and rebellion

Women and the Flaming Patriarchy
A poem based on the observations of a queer person on how women are trapped by patriarchal norms within their own homes.

Quiet Quitting: Why Doing Less at Work Could Be Good for You – And Your Employer
The mental health benefits of quiet quitting could make you a better employee and a happier person.

My Mother’s Kitchen Bustles with Secrets, Tadkas and Solidarity
An essay about women like my mother, who have spent about half of their lives in kitchens because they had to.

The Kitchen as a Feminine Space and the Living Room as Masculine: A Personal Account
A personal essay on my failed attempt at making a place for myself in both these spaces, and trying to normalise equality at home.

The Burden of Cooking
A poem on how all routine kitchen duties invariably fall into the hands of the women of the house.

We, the Women of Our Land
'We will not toil without yield, we will not shed tears of pain, we will not bow our head in submission.'

Women and the Burden of Unpaid Labour: What Is the Way Forward?
An Indian woman does 243 minutes (four hour) of domestic work a day, whereas the average time of an Indian man spends doing chores at home is only 25 …