I wonder how we love something one moment and decide to hate it the next.
Tag: women freedom

‘Call Me By Your Name’ And Dowry: A Summer Spent Spiralling
After breaking off my engagement, how a persistent Netflix recommendation offered some respite.

Her Wings Are Clamped
'They tell her to fly only to clamp her wings just when she learns to take off.'

The U-Turn of the Century
'Slowly the blackness will spread and envelop all that do not conform.'

My Grandmother, the Wild Spirit
'My grandmother is a wild spirit, shackled by old age and walls.'

To the Women Before Me
'I am a cumulative of their resistance, their patience and their rebellion.'

Maid’s Mirror
A poem on a domestic worker through the eyes of her employer and the relationship between the two.

Terms and Conditions Apply
Girls are made to fit in a structure that supposedly ensures their 'decency' – right from their birth.

Emily Dickinson and the Unforgivable Crime of Women Liking Their Own Company Too Much
On society’s fixation with the anomaly called “the lone woman”.