Our failure to gauge the importance and profundity of Gandhiji’s silence perhaps has to do with the fact that we happen to live in an opinionated, social media-driven and …
Author: Madhav Nayar
Postcards of Protest: Students of St Stephen’s Write to Modi
On the 52nd second of communication blackout in Kashmir, students wrote 52 postcards to the Prime Minister.
Guarding the Social Media Guardians: The Pitfalls of Working as a Facebook Moderator
Moderators who try and implement the social network’s community standards work in appalling conditions and face a host of mental health issues.
The Importance of Being a Gandhian Hindu in ‘New India’
To preserve the best tenets of his own faith and the immense diversity of his tradition, a Hindu today must adopt Gandhiji’s brand of all-inclusive and liberal Hinduism or …
The ‘Glorious’ History of Hindutva and its Hypocrisies
Hindutva history is a classic case of dogma driven history, which tries to recast a complex and contested past into a rigid ideological mould.
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