'A Brief History of Time' doesn't just make science accessible to us, it also opens the door for us to get involved in the deep mysteries occupying scientists today.
Author: Sandesh Ghimire
How Do We Counter The Rise of Toxic Nationalism?
It's not enough to just be against nationalism. The new political movement needs to offer people a vision of harmony and true democracy.
Nepalis are Sick of Living Under India’s Shadow
Being anti-Indian has become one of the ways to exude national pride in Nepal. Both countries need to fix that.
A Diary of Loneliness
You've stepped into loose soil and have fallen into a pit. Like the kid who falls and becomes the headline for a week.
I Thought I Was a ‘Woke’, Feminist Man. Then This Happened
#Woke men, including me, are all in for fighting sexual abuse, but take a back seat when it comes to dismantling the social structures that benefit us.