Someone I have seen
In frocks and skirts
In pavadai-sokka
In pavadai-davani
I met yesterday
In a sari
We measure out our lives
In clothes-changes.
But ageing is relative, too
After all
After the initial catching up
What is your daughter doing?
Where is your son now?
We started
Catching down
Remember this?
Remember that?
And in the course of an hour
Shrugged off
Twenty, thirty, forty years
And more
And ended up–
Small boy in shorts meeting
Small girl in frock.
This poem first appeared on Sunder and Sonati’s blog, Anhad Ka Baaja. Read the original here.
Sunder and Sonati have been living and growing a forest on a small piece of land in Thekambattu in rural Tamil Nadu for the last 20 years. You can read their blogs here and here.
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