As the days count to 365,
an anniversary with satire,
a living life to celebrate,
a still soul waiting to liberate.
At a moment when space and time brought together cities,
each country distanced itself with stricter boundaries.
A year when businesses transcended civic partitions,
shops with unique finds struggle for subsistence.
Teachers learn new methods to explain,
unsure if kids listen and retain.
Mothers become teachers again,
only to find their kid’s lament.
Young families welcome baby cheer,
to find their income reduced to one tier.
Children at a technological advantage,
spending all their time watching screen animate.
Family members move to live in together as the sky falls,
only to be separated by invisible medicinal wall.
Simple hugs look like bugs,
an automatic helpful gesture lets doubt fester,
What is essential got redefined,
now depended on what one could find.
Body shielded by a vaccine,
mind wandering in and out of a dark ravine,
What a first anniversary to celebrate!
As mankind walk backwards to dark age.
Sreeyantha is a person who sees the world in all the colours of the rainbow. A creative homemaker who wishes to capture the universe’s beauty in poems, paintings and short essays. You can read a collection of her poems here.
Featured image: Govind Krishnan/Unsplash