“That’s fine, but,
What if…?”
What if things don’t go the way she contemplated?
The futuristic thinking to which she always got baited,
a backup for a backup,
and then one more for the last backup.
Multiple safety nets,
until the present she forgets,
foreseeing what’s to come,
thinking that to any situation she won’t succumb.
“What if… this happens?”
She imagines,
having a plan always ready.
So that at no point do things go unsteady.
Always playing safe,
until the peace becomes a chafe.
All peace and no chaos are unsettling,
aren’t surprises sometimes unravelling?
“What if… this happens?”
Can someone ask her to instead ask herself –
“If this happens…so what?”
I’ll be fine, I’ll manage,
without any damage.
Shivi Dangi is an undergraduate law student at the National Law School of India University, Bangalore. She enjoys writing poetry, and going on long walks, admiring the beauty of sunrises and sunsets.
Featured image: Andrés Canchón / Unsplash