Half a century ago, Joni Mitchell wrote 'Big Yellow Taxi'. Today, the concerns she spell out loom ever larger.
Tag: climate change
New Passport Rankings Show That the World Is Opening Up – But Not for Everyone
A passport from the United Arab Emirates will get you into far more destinations than one from Afghanistan. Gaps like this have big implications for people’s ability to travel, …
‘His Dark Materials’: How the Small-Screen Adaptation Deals With the Novel’s Big Ideas
In its third and concluding season, 'His Dark Materials' grapples with ideas poorly suited to small screen adaptation – but comes out swinging.
‘Avatar: The Way of the Water’ Review – Tired Climate Clichés Distract From Cameron’s Vision
Fans hoping to find an incisive message about the climate crisis in the Avatar sequel will be disappointed, as a geopolitical climate expert explains.
How To Count Your Blessings
From steps and calories to social media followers and even blessings, the impulse to count appears to be hard-wired. But what about measuring the roads not taken?
‘How to Blow Up a Pipeline’ Doesn’t Give Easy Answers on Radical Climate Activism
The film 'How to Blow Up a Pipeline' explores themes from Andreas Malm’s book of the same name by way of a heist thriller, in which fictional activists grapple …
Book Review: Zoe Gilbert’s ‘Mischief Acts’ and Reclaiming the Myths of the Natural World
Our tales of the natural world are disappearing and we shouldn’t let them.
COP27: One Big Breakthrough but Ultimately an Inadequate Response to the Climate Crisis
The big news of COP27 was agreement to establish a fund for ‘loss and damage’. But many lamented the summit’s overall outcome, saying it falls short of a sufficient …
Looking at Cities Through the Studio Ghibli Lens
Deliberately or accidentally, most Studio Ghibli films provide appreciable input on what a well-planned citizen’s city looks like.