The definition of queer friendship is different for everyone but it must find a common ground.It cannot be limited to being a mere lifestyle/relationship choice.
Tag: gender
The Modesty Code: My First Encounter With ‘Sexism’
I have witnessed what life was for women living in joint-families laced with religious and cultural beliefs that deprived them of their privacy and dignity.
Gendered Division of Labor: My Journey with Cooking and Unpaid Household Work
While it is heartening to see examples of individuals like Lovlina Borgohain and Nayanjyoti Saikia achieving success in non-traditional fields, we must continue to challenge gender norms and work …
It’s an Old Story, Ma
This poem speaks about the different shades of a queer person and the fear he goes through.
The Gendered Brain: Are Men and Women Different Inside the Head?
Even if small differences exist between the brains of male and female individuals, the two are similar for the most part. So why are the differences highlighted more often?
‘Toxic Masculinity’: What Does It Mean, Where Did It Come From – And Is the Term Useful or Harmful?
“Toxic masculinity” has been used to explain everything from the election of Donald Trump to why Ross from Friends is awful. But what does it actually mean?
‘My Gayness Won’t Make Your Child Gay, Uncle’
A poet from a middle-class family in a small town writes about the daily turmoils of being queer in a homophobic world.
How Does One Become ‘Man Enough’?
'I still ask myself, what if my mother never gave birth to me?'
Phobics in the World
A poem against various injustices caused across the fabric of history in the name of social phobias like homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and many others.
Queerness Is Infinite
Being a queer person is like being a ghost where you have to find places to hide and yet people get scared when they find you.