Look at yourself, name this beast! / In the heart of a divided nation / Can you at least bury me?
Tag: India

Remembering Imtiaz Ahmad, Who Heralded a New Era of the Social Sciences in India
The JNU scholar will be remembered as much for his monumental contribution to the world of knowledge, as for leaving behind several students in his discipline, who will carry …

An Uncertain Wait, An Unrelenting Hope: 1000 Days Behind the Bars
Today, Umar Khalid completes a thousand days behind bars. Three summers and winters ago, we were robbed of the colours that seasons bring with them, when our lives were …

The King and His Kingdom
Silence is the food he has been feeding since 2002. / He knows the power of silence. / It kills more than the bullets.

Wither Critical Historical Thought: Reflections on Changes in the Class 12th NCERT Textbook
Majoritarian States create a homogenous national subject in opposition to the idea of the “other” to sustain themselves. The construction of the “other” in the Indian context has seen …

To Truly Celebrate Ambedkar, Read His Work and Embrace His Ideas
A look at three of Ambedkar's ideals which are essential if we want to build a better future for India.

The Incredible Story of How East African Culture Shaped the Music of a State in India
Dhamaal music and dance reveals a rich and complex mixing of cultures that is shaped by history.

UGC Wants Universities to Hold Lectures on Theme That India is ‘Mother of Democracy’
Among the topics that the commission suggested are lectures on khap panchayats and their 'democratic traditions' and Harappans as the pioneering architect of the democratic system in the world.

How a Cross-Border Workshop With Over 60 Indian, Pakistani Journalists in Nepal Broke Barriers
Journalists at the week-long workshop discussed issues around cross-border stories and how the relations – or lack thereof – and climate changes affect these areas.