Social media is a powerful medium and can play a vital role in how and what we communicate to those around us.
Tag: politics

From Introvert to Socially Anxious
I was an introvert stuck amidst people who tried to bring me down.

From #MeToo to #WelcomeRefugess: How the Hashtag Has Changed Politics
From #MeToo to #RefugeesWelcome, add a hashtag and the world will listen. Shame they're not always used for good.

Why Are There No OBC Professors in Central Universities?
Representation of OBCs in central universities is lagging even ten years after reservations were implemented.

A Pop Culture Guide to Being Anti-National
This word – nationalism – is suddenly everywhere. It seems to control us, stifling freedoms and dictating the 'right' way to be.

We Need to Hold Museums Accountable For Upholding Colonial Narratives
Museums are never apolitical spaces, and by not engaging in the politics of their pieces they stand to uphold unequal dominant narratives.

The Covert Nationalist: Reviewing an ‘In-Progress’ Art Exhibition
Whether we are online or at an art exhibition, one can never tell who the nationalists are, or when they might reveal themselves.

Politics Today: Macho Fighting?
Is our political climate – with the mud-slinging, hyperbole and theatrics – seeming more and more like a TV drama?

The Left Needs a Revolution
All that the left needs to do is reinvent itself and wait for the right moment

‘Priye Laal Qila’ : The Selling of Our History
This poem is dedicated to India's Red Fort, that stood by and was a part of our history, only to be sold to the highest bidder today