Facebook and Instagram were recently told by their parent company, Meta, to overhaul their policy on nipple exposure. But the change may not be as radical as people hope. …
Tag: transphobia

Phobics in the World
A poem against various injustices caused across the fabric of history in the name of social phobias like homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and many others.

#JusticeForSheila Highlights the Precarious Lives of Queer People in Kenya
Kenya’s LGBTQIA+ community continues to face the deadly consequences of homophobia, transphobia and biphobia.

Trans Day of Visibility Offers Chance for Community to Stand in Solidarity and Support
The pandemic has made it difficult for trans people to support one another in person, or celebrate important physical changes with friends.

In Photos | Kinnar Ka Ki – A Story Of Four Transwomen, Their Journeys And Vision
'Kinnar Ka Ki' is an investigation to instigate the idea of embracing all lives as equal, break stereotypes about the trans community and see them for who they are.

On Confronting My Own, and then Society’s Queerphobia
"When I was a kid filled with internal queerphobia, being called a 'chakka' or 'gay' was very offensive, but after years of exploration, I've realised my queerness is completely …