If we cannot sustain ourselves, there is no point of a degree with the BITS Pilani’s registrar’s stamp on it.
The Covert Nationalist: Reviewing an ‘In-Progress’ Art Exhibition
Whether we are online or at an art exhibition, one can never tell who the nationalists are, or when they might reveal themselves.
Feminise: A Photo Series
This photo series attempts to subvert the traditional ways in which we view the 'feminine'
Politics Today: Macho Fighting?
Is our political climate – with the mud-slinging, hyperbole and theatrics – seeming more and more like a TV drama?
Is Technology Turning Us Into Zombies?
A poem about the monotony of our technology-filled lives – what's real anymore and what's not?
The Left Needs a Revolution
All that the left needs to do is reinvent itself and wait for the right moment
What the Call to Ban Unofficial Groups at IITB Really Means
The protests in IITB against groups discussing and challenging inherent oppressions are another nail in the coffin of free student expression and activism
The Trials and Tribulations of Millennial Queer Dating
For a queer person, dating can be disastrous – from discrimination both outside and within the community to the lack of safety nets available. If basic civil protections aren't …
Everything They Don’t Tell You About Hospitals
It's easy to romanticise illness when you are not chronically sick.If you are, then your diagnosis becomes your entire life.